Oversized cargo

Break Bulk & Project Cargo

There is
no task
too BIG
for us!

There is
literally no task too BIG for us!

Moving a 35m High Tank into the Amazon Jungle, Machine-Shops and assembly lines for the Automotive Industries into the middle of China or moving of an entire factory or airplane are no stranger to us!
The demand for transports of heavy and oversized machines and modules, complete facilities and whole power plant components is growing in particular in the emerging countries, which requires transports even to the most remote regions of the world.

Red Eagle Supply-Chain has many years of experience in heavy haulage of every size and manages them from A to Z in the interest of the customer!

This starts with the professional and right consulting already in the design phase and ends with the coordination of the assembly at the final site of the machine or facility.
In order to get the cargo to even challenging and remote places we work hand-in-hand with our competence centers in various countries, such as our USA, LATAM, Russia and CIS or Far East!

Our Team of Experts at selected sites are eager to help you master these often new and demanding tasks.
They coordinate and manage these often-perplexing projects and lead all the transported goods reliably, safely and just in time to their destinations.

The project management from only one source reduces the complexity of the project as well as the costs and risks for the customer to a minimum.


In the worldwide network of the Red Eagle Supply-Chain even the largest and heaviest goods are part of everyday routine, and they are modelled just as safe and reliable as our standards!

world wide logistics